WiMAX for Emergency Services: An Empirical Evaluation
Pedro Neves
Paulo Simões
Álvaro Gomes
Luis M. Ribeiro
S. Sargento
F. Fontes
Edmundo Monteiro
Thomas Michael Bohnert
Paulo Simões
Álvaro Gomes
Luis M. Ribeiro
S. Sargento
F. Fontes
Edmundo Monteiro
Thomas Michael Bohnert
Mobile Networks, Beyond 3G networks, HetRelated Project
IST FP6 WEIRD - WiMAX Extension to Isolated Research Data networks (Integrated Project 034622)Conference
1st Broadband Wirless Access Workshop, September 2007Cited by
Year 2016 : 1 citations
Juwita Mohd Sultan, “Hybrid Wireless Broadband Networks”, PhD Thesis, Lancaster University 2016.
Year 2015 : 3 citations
Roberto Magana-Rodriguez, Salvador Villarreal-Reyes, Alejandro Galaviz-Mosqueda, Raul Rivera-Rodriguez, Roberto Conte-Galvan, “Telemedicine Services over Rural Broadband Wireless Access Technologies: IEEE 802.22/WRAN and IEEE 802.16 WiMAX”, Mobile Health, Springer Series in Bio-/Neuroinformatics Volume 5, 2015, pp 743-769, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-12817-7_32
SC Lubobya, ME Dlodlo, G de Jagar, A Zulu, “Performance Evaluation of WiMAX-Wi-Fi Video Surveillance System”, Global Summit and Expo on Multimedia & Application, UK, March 2015.
Theophilus Anafo, Link Level Performance Evaluation of Relay-based WiMAX Network, MSc Thesis, KWAME NKRUMAH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Kumasi, Ghana, June 2015.
Year 2014 : 1 citations
Wechtaisong, Chitapong; Sutthitep, Teeraphant; Prommak, Chutima, "Multi-objective planning and optimization for base station placement in WiMAX network," Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON), 2014 11th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,4, 14-17 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/ECTICon.2014.6839801
Year 2012 : 1 citations
Chutima Prommak and Chitapong Wechtaison, Network Planning and Optimization for Multi-Hop Relay Placement in WiMAX Networks, Journal of Computer Science 8 (9): 1414-1421, 2012, ISSN 1549-3636.
Year 2011 : 3 citations
Hai Dang Nguyen, Deployment & Scheduling in Wimax with Relays - IEEE802.16j, PhD Thesis, Université d'Evry Val-d'Essonne, July 2011.
Qadeer, A.; Khan, K. "Pre-Coordination mechanism for self configuration of neighborhood cells in mobile Wi-Max", Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT), 2011 5th International Conference on, 10.1109/ICAICT.2011.6110976
Chutima Prommak and Chitapong Wechtaison, “On the Quality of Service Optimization for WiMAX Networks Using Multi-hop Relay Stations”, V. Snasel, J. Platos and E. El-Qawasmeh (Eds.): ICDIPC 2011, Part II, Springer-Verlag CCIS 189, pp. 93-106, 2011.
Year 2010 : 6 citations
Ali Mohammed Al-Sharafi, Adham M.Jaffar, Abdullah Ali Salem and Abdussalam Mahyob ghaleb, Simulation of WIMAX Emergency Backup Communication Network Using NS2, Proc. of The International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT’2010), Benghazi, Lybia, December 2010.
Chutima Prommak, Chitapong Wechtaison, WiMAX Network Design and Optimization Using Multi-hop Relay Stations, Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS Conference (ISBN: 978-960-474-216-5).
P. Delannoy, H.D. Nguyen, M. Marot, N. Agoulmine, M. Becker, WiMax quality-of-service estimations and measurement, Computer Communications, Volume 33, Supplement 1, Special Issue: Heterogeneous Networks: Traffic Engineering and Performance Evaluation, 15 November 2010, Pages S71-S77, ISSN 0140-3664, DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2010.07.004.
Chutima Prommak and Chitapong Wechtaison, WiMAX Network Design for Cost Minimization and Access Data Rate Guarantee Using Multi-hop Relay Stations, Int. Journal of Communications, Issue 2, Volume 4, 2010.
Elankayer Sithirasenan and Nasser Almahdouri.. “Using WiMAX for effective business continuity during and after disaster”. In Proc. of the 6th Int. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC'10). ACM, NY, USA, 494-498. DOI=10.1145/1815396.1815511
Chutima Prommak, Chitapong Wechtaison, “WiMAX Network Design and Optimization Using Multi-hop Relay Stations”, New Aspects of Applied Informatics, Biomedical Electronics & Informatics and Communications, ISSN: 1792-460x, 2010.
Year 2009 : 5 citations
P. Delannoy, M. Marot and M. Becker, WiMax QualityofService Estimations and Measurement, Proceedings of the First International Conference on WiRELESS ViTAE'09, Aalborg, Denmark, May 2009.
P. Latkoski and B. Popovski, Communication Protocol Engineering and Optimization of Network Entry Process in IEEE 802.16 Based Systems, International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, April 2009.
Abdulrahman Yarali, Babak Ahsant, Saifur Rahman, Wireless Mesh Networking: A Key Solution for Emergency & Rural Applications, 2009 Second International Conference on Advances in Mesh Networks, pp. 143-149, Greece, June 2009, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3667-5.
Paul Boone, Improving Access in Next-Generation Broadband Wireless Networks, Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY School of Computer Science at CARLETON UNIVERSITY, Ottawa, Ontario, 2009.
Pentikousis, K., Piri, E., Pinola, J. and Harjula, I. (2009) WiMAX Performance in Practice, in WiMAX Evolution: Emerging Technologies and Applications (eds M. D. Katz and F. H. Fitzek), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK. doi: 10.1002/9780470740118.ch2
Year 2008 : 3 citations
M. Nakamura et al., Development of Long-Range and High-Speed Wireless LAN for the Transmission of Telemedicine from Disaster Areas, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 724010.
K. Pentikousis, E. Piri, J. Pinola, F. Fitzek, T. Nissilä, I. Harjula, Empirical evaluation of VoIP aggregation over a fixed WiMAX testbed, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Testbeds and research infrastructures for the development of networks & communities table of contents, Innsbruck, Austria, 2008, ISBN:978-963-9799-24-0
Pero Latkoski, Borislav Popovski, Analysis and Optimization of Network Entry Delay in WiMax Networks, fgcn, vol. 1, pp.144-147, 2008 Second International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking, 2008.