Third Heart Sound Detection Using Wavelet Transform'Simplicity Filter
Heart failure and heart valvar diseases are chronic heart disorders which are potentially diagnosed using heart sound characteristics. Heart sound components S1 and S2 exhibit significant characteristics for valvar dysfunction while pathological S3 sound is a prominent sign for heart failure in elderly people. In this paper, a new automatic detection method of the S3 heart sound is proposed. The method is build upon wavelet transform'simplicity filter which separates S1, S2 and S3 sounds from background noise enabling heartsound segmentation even in the presence of heart murmurs or noise sources. The algorithm uses physiologically inspired criteria to assess the presence of S3 heart sound components and to perform their segmentation. Heart sound samples recorded
from children as well as from elderly patients with heart failure were used to test the method. The achieved sensitivity and specificity were 90.35% and 92.35%, respectively.
Biosignal processing; heart soundConference
EMBC -2007, 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, August 2007Cited by
Year 2013 : 4 citations
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Year 2011 : 13 citations
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• Mohammad R. Homaeinezhad, S. Abbas Atyabi, Ehsan Deneshvar, A. Ghaffari, Maryam Tahmasebi, Optimal delineation of PCG sounds via false-alarm bounded segmentation of a wavelet-based principal components analyzed metric, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2011 (in print).
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Year 2010 : 3 citations
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