Towards Affective-Psychophysiological Foundations for Music Production
This paper describes affective and psychophysiological foundationsused to help to control affective content in music production.
Our work includes the proposal of a knowledge base grounded on the
state of the art done in areas of Music Psychology. This knowledge base
has relations between affective states (happiness, sadness, etc.) and high
level music features (rhythm, melody, etc.) to assist in the production of
affective music. A computer system uses this knowledge base to select
and transform chunks of music. The methodology underlying this system
is essentially founded on Affective Computing topics. Psychophysiology
measures will be used to detect listener's affective state.
Music ComputingConference
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, September 2007PDF File
Cited by
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Cernea, Daniel. "User-Centered Collaborative Visualization." (2015).
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Gungormusler, Alper. "barelyMusician: An Adaptive Music Engine For Interactive Systems." (2014).
Williams, Duncan and Kirke, Alexis and Miranda, Eduardo R and Roesch, Etienne and Daly, Ian and Nasuto, Slawomir "Investigating affect in algorithmic composition systems". Psychology of Music.
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Caporusso, N. "The Body and the Mind “through the Lens” of Music: Exploiting Brain-Computer Interfaces and Embodied Music Cognition to Assess Sensorimotor Synchronization and Developmental Disorders", Cognitive Practices
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Perry K., Martinez T. and Ventura D. "Automatic Generation of Music for Inducing Emotive Response", International Conference on Computational Creativity
Monteith K., Martinez T. and Ventura D. "Computational Modeling of Emotional Content in Music", Cognitive Science