WEIRD Testbeds with fixed and mobile WiMAX technology for user applications, telemedicine and monitoring of impervious areas
Paulo Simões
Pedro Neves
Mario Castellano
G. Tamea
Giada Landi
Ilaria Marchetti
Kostas Pentikousis
Silvano Mignanti
Antonio Cimmino
Fausto Andreotti
Maria Rita Spada
Pedro Neves
Mario Castellano
G. Tamea
Giada Landi
Ilaria Marchetti
Kostas Pentikousis
Silvano Mignanti
Antonio Cimmino
Fausto Andreotti
Maria Rita Spada
Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks based on IEEE 802.16d/e standards are soon to be deployed in several countries. The interest in the technology which can deliver tens of Mb/s to users is great. However, there is lack of published literature with results from actual testbeds. This paper introduces the work done in the EU Sixth Framework Programme Project WEIRD, to design and set up WiMAX testbeds in four EU countries. We describe the methodology followed, detail our implementation and present results from the testbeds, as deployed in the first phase of WEIRD. The testbeds are used to demonstrate how WiMAX technology can be used to extend the connectivity of the pan-European data communications network (GEANT2) to isolated and impervious areas and, furthermore, to assure end-to-end quality of service to novel applications.Related Project
IST FP6 WEIRD - WiMAX Extension to Isolated Research Data networks (Integrated Project 034622)Conference
4th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TRIDENTCOM), March 2008Cited by
Year 2017 : 1 citations
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Year 2015 : 1 citations
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Year 2010 : 4 citations
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