MNet ' A new multicast approach for the future Internet
Multicast communication in the Internet has deserved an increasing attention in the last few years. Nowadays, there are more and more applications that require communication systems with multipoint communication capabilities. Multicast communication reduces both the time it takes to send data to a large set of receivers and the amount of network resources required to deliver such data. This is why Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have a strong need for multicast solutions from vendors of networking products. The question now is how long it will be before multicast becomes a true Internet Service.This paper presents a new multicast proposal that is being developed at Laboratory of Communication and Telematics of the Informatics Engineering Department of the University of Coimbra. The approach explores the use of Multicast Servers in conjunction with the SSM protocol, addressing some of the SSM limitations, of which the support of dynamic sources and the support of QoS heterogeneity are the most important. After presentation and discussion, evaluation results are analysed, showing that the proposed model is beneficial when compared with the original SSM solution.
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Year 2006 : 2 citations
Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wahlisch, "A First Performance Analysis of the Tree Morphing Approach to IPv6 Source Mobility in Source Specific Multicast Routing," icniconsmcl, p. 87, International Conference on Networking, International Conference on Systems and International Conference on Mobile Communications and Learning Technologies (ICNICONSMCL'06), 2006
Thomas C. Schmidt ? Matthias Wahlisch, Morphing distribution trees"On the evolution of multicast
states under mobility and an adaptive routing scheme
for mobile SSM sources, Telecommun Syst DOI 10.1007/s11235-006-9010-4, Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2006
Year 2005 : 3 citations
JS Silva, T Camilo, F Boavidaâ?¦, Assessing and Extending SSM for Highly Dynamic Mobility Environments, … and Signal Processing, …, 2005
T Camilo, JS Silva, F Gaudêncio, F Boavida, A new SSM approach for mobile environments, Proc. of the MWCN, 2005
Y Shudo, T Takahashi, K Asataniâ?¦, A Framework of a Transcoder Controlling Scheme over Multicast Networks, … , 2005 Asia-Pacific …, 2005