Contributions of the PMBOK to the Project Management of an ERP System Implementation
The implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems has become generalized in companies and organizations, as a way to achieve supply chain integration, improve productivity and gain a competitive edge.Those implementations, more than simple technology projects, have revealed to be complex and time-consuming business projects, due to the structural and behaviour changes involved. This article analyzes, under the Project Coordinator's point of view, two real cases of ERP implementation projects at Ibico Portuguesa, today ACCO BRANDS PORTUGUESA, comparing the project management methodology adopted by the company to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK). The conclusion was that the Project Manager\'s use of PMBoK norms and best practices was probably a success factor in those implementations, particularly referring to the elements that have been pointed as the most critical: planning, top management involvement and commitment and stakeholders' management.