An Affective Intelligent Driving Agent: Driver's Trajectory and Activities Prediction
The traditional relationship between the car, driver,and city can be described as waypoint navigation with additional
traffic and maintenance information. The car can receive and
store waypoint information, find the shortest route to these
waypoints, integrate traffic information, find points-of-interest,
and alert the driver of a pre-programmed set of maintenance
issues related to the car. Here, we propose a new route system
that is multi-goal-centric rather than waypoint-centric. Instead
of focusing on determining the route to a specified waypoint,
as done in commercially available navigation systems, the system
will analyze the driver's behavior in order to extract the potential
set(s) of goals that the driver would like to achieve. The system
must also understand the city on a number of levels: physical,
social, and commercial. This provides the foundation for a social
and intelligent driving assistant, that helps the driver achieve
his goals and helps the city perform better through interaction
between both entities.
Intelligent Transport SystemsConference
2009 IEEE 70th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2009-Fall, September 2009Cited by
Year 2013 : 5 citations
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