Placement and Scheduling over Grid Warehouses
The computational grid offers services for efficiently scheduling jobs on the grid, but for grid-enabled applications where data handling is a most relevant part, the data grid kicks in. It typically builds on the concept of files, sites and file transfers between sites. These use a data transfer service, plus a replica manager to keep track of where replicas are located. The authors consider a multi-site, grid-aware data warehouse, which is a large distributed repository sharing a schema and data concerning scientific or business domains. Differently from typical grid scenarios, the data warehouse is not simply a set of files and accesses to individual files. It is a single distributed schema and both localized and distributed computations must be managed over that schema. Given this difference, it is important to study approaches for placement and computation over the grid data warehouse and this is our contribution in this book chapter.
data replication, query scheduling, grid-warehouses
Data replication and query scheduling in grid warehouses
Book Chapter
Grid Technology for Maximizing Collaborative Decision Management and Support: Advancing Effective Virtual Organizations, V, IGI Global, May 2009
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