Increasing Reliability in Large Scale Ad-hoc Networks



A new routing metric aimed at increasing reliability in large
scale wireless ad-hoc networks is proposed and used to classify existing
gateways, not only by their hop count but also by their stability and
validity. Using a Deferred Routing Protocol in the performed simulations
the proposed metric has 15% more traffic deliveries when compared with
a simple hop count metric. These results motivate the usage of adequate
routing metrics for large scale networks, as they make routing protocols
more stable and reliable, allowing the spread of wireless ad-hoc networks
in demanding scenarios such as emergency and rescue.


Deferred Routing, Gateway Metric, Wireless Multi-hop, Ad-hoc Networks


Deferred routing wireless adhoc networks


European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) e-Mobility workshop, May 2010

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