Place in perspective: Extracting online information about Points of Interest



During the last few years, the amount of online descriptive information about places has reached reasonable dimensions for many cities in the world. Being such information mostly in Natural Language text, Information Extraction techniques are needed for obtaining the meaning of places that underlies these massive amounts of commonsense and user made sources. In this article, we show how we automatically label places using Information Extraction techniques applied to online resources such as Wikipedia, Yellow Pages and Yahoo.


Information Extraction, Ambient Intelligence, Semantics of Place


Ubiquitous Computing


First International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (acc. rate. 38.5%), November 2010


Cited by

Year 2016 : 1 citations

 Martinkus, Phil, and M. S. C. S. Praveen Madiraju. "Personalizing Places of Interest Using Social Media Analysis." Poster in CATA 2016.

Year 2015 : 1 citations

 Onur Ekmekci, Andres Sevtsuk. 50 ways to Singapore Rail Corridor. Project at MIT.

Year 2014 : 2 citations

 Eunyoung Kim, Hwon Ihm, and Sung-Hyon Myaeng. 2014. Topic-based place semantics discovered from microblogging text messages. In Proceedings of the companion publication of the 23rd international conference on World wide web companion (WWW Companion '14). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, 561-562. DOI=10.1145/2567948.2576955

 Kim, E., Ihm, H., & Myaeng, S. H. (2014, April). Topic-based place semantics discovered from microblogging text messages. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web (pp. 561-562). ACM.