Connectedness and Local Search for Bicriteria Knapsack Problems
This article reports an experimental study on a given structural property of connectedness of optimal solutions for two variants of the bicriteria knapsack problem. A local search algorithm that exploresthis property is then proposed and its performance is compared against exact algorithms in terms of running time and number of optimal solutions found. The experimental results indicate that this simple
local search algorithm is able to find a representative set of optimal solutions in most of the cases, and in much less time than exact approaches.
11th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation, LNCS 6622, 48-59, Springer, April 2011Cited by
Year 2015 : 2 citations
C Dai, Y Wang, M Ye
A new multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm based on decomposition
Information Sciences, 2015
RLV Moritz
Cooperation in self-organized heterogeneous swarms
PhD thesis, Universitaet Leipzig
Year 2014 : 2 citations
RLV Moritz, E Reich, M Bernt, M Middendorf, The Influence of Correlated Objectives on Different Types of P-ACO Algorithms, Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8600, 2014, pp 230-241
Enguerran Grandchamp, Evelin Fonseca-Cruz, A Two-Phase Multiobjective Local Search for GIS Information Fusion: Spatial Homogeneity and Semantic Information Tradeoff, Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems (IF AND GIS 2013), Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography 2014, pp 149-165
Year 2013 : 1 citations
HL Liao, QH Wu, Multi-objective optimization by learning automata, Journal of Global Optimization, 2013
Year 2011 : 1 citations
J. Gorski, K. Klamroth, S. Ruzika, Connectedness of Efficient Solutions in Multiple Objective Combinatorial Optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 150, 3, 475-497, 2011.