TGTP - Thousand of Geometric problems for Theorem Provers
Thousands of Geometric problems for geometric Theorem Provers (TGTP) is a Web-based library of problems in geometry.The principal motivation in building TGTP is to support the testing and evaluation of geometric automated theorem proving systems (GATP). For that propose TGTP provides a centralised common library of geometric problems with an already significant size but aiming to became large enough to ensure a meaningful system evaluations and comparisons. TGTP provides also a Workbench were it is possible to evaluate a given GATP with any given conjecture.
TGTP is independent of any given GATP. For each problem and for the code for each GATP, whenever available is kept in the library. A common format for geometric conjectures, adding to the i2g format, is being developed. This common format, plus a list of converters, one for each GATP, will allow to test all the GATPs with all the problems in the library.
TGTP is well structured, documented and with a powerful querying mechanism to an easy access to the information. All the information in the library, and also the supporting formats and tools are freely available.
TGTP aims, in a similar spirit of {em TPTP} and other libraries, to provide the automated reasoning in geometry community with a comprehensive and easily accessible, library of GATP test problems. The development of TGTP problem library is an ongoing project.
Library of problems in geometry; Geometric Automated Theorem ProvingSubject
geometric automated deductionConference
Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry, July 2011Cited by
Year 2015 : 1 citations
Chen, X., Song, D., & Wang, D. (2015). Automated generation of geometric theorems from images of diagrams. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 74(3-4), 333-358.
Year 2014 : 3 citations
Chen, Xiaoyu, Representation and automated transformation of geometric statements, JSSC 27,2. Doi: 10.1007/s11424-014-0316-0
Chen, Xiaoyu and Song, Dan and Wang, Dongming, Automated generation of geometric theorems from images of diagrams, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Springer 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s10472-014-9433-7
Wang, Dongming and Chen, Xiaoyu and An, Wenya and Jiang, Lei and Song, Dan, OpenGeo: An Open Geometric Knowledge Base, LNCS 8592, Springer 2014. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-44199-2_38
Year 2013 : 1 citations
Formalization and Specification of Geometric Knowledge Objects, X. Chen, D. Wang - Mathematics in Computer Science, 2013 - Springer
Year 2012 : 1 citations
Xiaoyu Chen, Interfacing Euclidean Geometry Discourse with Diverse Geometry Software (Extended Abstract), Informatics Research Report, ADG2012, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, September 2012.