


The main goal of the Project Experiment@Portugal is to produce a complete survey of Portuguese developments in remote and virtual labs. This knowledge will provide the conditions for joining forces in order to organize a well structured national website integrating a database of available remote and virtual experiments, categorized for sharing purposes, and looking for delivering valuable contents for high schools and for higher education. It is expected that the final result will bring up a solid team able to offer in this domain a Portuguese partner at international level.


Remote and virtual labs; haptic devices; weblabs; engineering education.


Remote and Virtual Laboratories; b-learning


IEEE EDUCON 2011, April 2011

Cited by

Year 2016 : 1 citations

 Fonseca, Pedro, et al. "Motivating first year students for an engineering degree." Engineering Education (CISPEE), 2016 2nd International Conference of the Portuguese Society for. IEEE, 2016.