Improved Resilience of Interdependent Critical Infrastructures via on-line Alerting System
P. Capodieci
E. Ciancamerla
M. Minichino
Giada Landi
L. Lev
M. Castrucci
Paulo Simões
S. Panzieri
Filipe Caldeira
E. Ciancamerla
M. Minichino
Giada Landi
L. Lev
M. Castrucci
Paulo Simões
S. Panzieri
Filipe Caldeira
Critical Infrastructure Protection, MICIEConference
Proceedings of COMPENG 2010 - Complexity in Engineering, March 2010Cited by
Year 2018 : 1 citations
Giuseppi, Alessandro & Germanà, Roberto & Di Giorgio, Alessandro. (2018). Risk Adverse Virtual Power Plant Control in Unsecure Power Systems. 1-9. 10.1109/MED.2018.8442768.
Year 2017 : 2 citations
A. Di Giorgio, A. Giuseppi, F. Liberali, A. Ornatelli, A. Rabezzano and L. R. Celsi, "On the optimization of energy storage system placement for protecting power transmission grids against dynamic load altering attacks," 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), Valletta, Malta, 2017, pp. 986-992. doi: 10.1109/MED.2017.7984247
A. Di Giorgio, A. Giuseppi, F. Liberati and A. Pietrabissa, "Controlled electricity distribution network black start with energy storage system support," 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), Valletta, Malta, 2017, pp. 781-786. doi: 10.1109/MED.2017.7984213
Year 2016 : 1 citations
Titus Okathe, Shahram Shah Heydari, Vijay Sood, Orane Cole and Khalil El-Khatib, Miffleware for Smart Heterogeneous Critical Infrastructure Networks Intercommunication, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, pp. 1261-1286, V.9, N.3, September 2016
Year 2015 : 3 citations
A. Fiaschetti, A. Lanna, M. Panfili, S. Mignanti, A. Pietrabissa, F. Delli Priscoli, R. Cusani, G. Scarano, A. Morgagni, “Attack-Surface metrics, OSSTMM and Common Criteria based approach to Composable Security in Complex Systems”, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Vol. 14, 2015, pp. 187-202, E-ISSN: 2224-2678.
S. Battilotti, F. Delli Priscoli, C. Gori Giorgi, A. Pietrabissa, S. Monaco, M. Panfili, S. Canale, V. Suraci, Approaches for Future Internet architecture design and Quality of Experience (QoE) Control, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol.14, pp. 62-73, 2015. E-ISSN: 2224-2864.
Gambuti, Raffaele; Canale, Silvia; Facchinei, Francisco; Lanna, Andrea; Giorgio, Alessandro Di, "Electric vehicle trip planning integrating range constraints and charging facilities," Control and Automation (MED), 2015 23th Mediterranean Conference on, vol., no., pp.472-479, 16-19 June 2015 doi: 10.1109/MED.2015.7158793
Year 2014 : 2 citations
Titus Okathe, Publish-subscribe based Middleware for Heterogeneous Critical Infrastructure Systems Communication, PhD Thesis, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, July 2014.
Okathe, T.; Heydari, S.S.; Sood, V.; El-Khatib, K., "Unified multi-critical infrastructure communication architecture," Communications (QBSC), 2014 27th Biennial Symposium on , vol., no., pp.178,183, 1-4 June 2014
doi: 10.1109/QBSC.2014.6841209
Year 2013 : 2 citations
Jianmin Jiang, Lasith Yasakethu, Intelligent risk detection and analysis tools for critical infrastructure protection, EUROCON, 2013 IEEE, pp.52-59, 1-4 July 2013, doi: 10.1109/EUROCON.2013.6624965
Jianmin Jiang, Lasith Yasakethu, Computerized risk detection towards Critical Infrastructure Protection: An Introduction of CockpitCI Project, Proc. of the 1st Global Virtual Conference, pp. 602-606, Fyr, Macedonia, 8-12 April 2013, ISBN 978-80-554-0649-7
Year 2010 : 1 citations
Michael Kennedy, David Llewellyn-Jones, Qi Shi, Madjid Merabti, "System-of-Systems Security: A Survey", The 11th Annual Conference on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking & Broadcasting (PGNet 2010), Liverpool, UK, 21-22 June 2010