A High-level Notation for the Specification of Network Management Applications



The standardisation and the subsequent widespread use of open network management services and protocols has not lightened the tremendous burden of the developers of network management tools and applications. The main problem consists of bridging the gap between the low-level management functionality provided by network management protocols like SNMP or CMIP and the elaborate functionality desired in most network
management tools/applications.
This paper presents the main aspects of a project that is being developed at the Computer Networks Laboratory of the University of Coimbra, that addresses the problems of specifying and implementing network management applications in an easy, rapid and versatile way.
The project is based on the definition and use of a high level notation for the specification of network management applications, that frees the applications developer from the details of network management communication protocols and provides the necessary abstractions that enable him/her to concentrate on the desired solutions. In addition, the proposed notation can be used as a common language for the developers of network management tools, as a way to rapidly specify prototype applications and, possibly, in the development of network management application compilers.


Network Management


Network Management

Cited by

Year 2005 : 1 citations

 Bruno Dias, "An Entity Access Control Model for Network Services Management?, actas da CRC2005 " 8ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores, FCCN, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, 29-30 de Setembro de 2005.

Year 2003 : 3 citations

 Michael Sievert, "Managing Communication Resources?, MsC Thesis, Mälardalen University, Sweden, 2003

 Paulo Pereira, "Políticas activas para gestão de redes?, Dissertação de Doutoramento em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Instituto Superior Técnico, 2003.


Year 2002 : 2 citations

 B Dias, A Santos, F Boavida, Internet network services management framework, Networks, 2002. ICON 2002. …, 2002

 M Sievert, Managing Communication Resources, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, …, 2002

Year 2001 : 1 citations

 Paulo Veríssimo, Luís Rodrigues, "Distributed Systems For System Architects?, Kluwer Academic Publishers, January 2001

Year 2000 : 2 citations

 Freire, R. D., Sauvé, J. P., "Um Framework Baseado em Componentes de Software para Aplicações de Gerência de Falhas em Redes de Computadores?, Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores, Belo Horizonte, 2000.

 Freire, R. D., "Especificação de um framework baseado em componentes de software reutilizáveis para aplicações de gerência de faltas em redes de computadores?, Dissertação de Mestrado, Departamento de Sistemas e Computação da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Abril 2000

Year 1999 : 2 citations

 Paulo Pereira, Pedro Pessoa, Luís Agostinho, "Gestão de Sistemas e Redes por Scripts?, Actas da CRC"99, Outubro de 1999, FCCN

 Rui Pedro Lopes, José Luís Oliveira, "Implementação e Avaliação de Gestão Remota Sobre DISMAN?, Actas da CRC"99, Outubro de 1999, FCCN

Year 1996 : 1 citations

 M. R. Siegl and G. Trausmuth, "Hierarchical Network Management: A Concept and its Prototype in SNMPv2?, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 28, No. 4, Feb. 1996, pp. 141-152.

Year 1995 : 1 citations

 Manfred Siegl, George Trausmuth, "Hierarchical network management: A concept and its prototype in SNMPv2?, Proceedings of the 6th Joint European Networking Conference, Tel Aviv, May 15-18, 1995