A Statistical Approach for Integration of Soft Mobility and Regular Public Transports



During a regular commuter?s day, one may be faced with several situations where choosing a soft mobility option (e.g. walking, cycling) offers more advantages than a regular public transport (e.g. bus, subway). The main issue is to evaluate when such advantages exist.
In this paper we analyze the Lisbon bus network on face of the evaluation of when this integration is interesting. We present its availability and range (in terms of distance and time) in order to highlight the areas where the commuter may benefit from a soft mobility option. The main objective is to use this information to determine the best spots for providing soft mobility means of transportation, as well as to advise a commuter about the best travelling option. We argue that this approach is useful for similar bus networks in other cities.


soft mobility, intelligent transportation systems, urban computing, GPS traces analysis, user profile


Intelligent Transport Systems


14th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, October 2011

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