Integrating SNMP into a Mobile Agent Infrastructure
Mobile Code is an emerging paradigm that is gaining mo mentum in several felds of application. Network Management is a potential area for the use of this technology, provided it will be able to interoperate with well established solutions for Network Management.This paper presents the integration a classic NM protocol, like SNMP, into a platform of Mobile Agents. Our platform, called JAMES, has been developed in the context of an Eureka Project (Eureka!1921) where the project partners are University of Coimbra, Siemens SA and Siemens AG. Since the main target of the platform is network management, it includes a set of SNMP services allowing mobile agents to easily interface with SNMP agents, as well as with legacy SNMP-based management applications.
In the paper we present a brief overview of the general architecture of the platform and we describe in some detail the framework we used to provide for integration between mobile agent applications and SNMP.
Network ManagementSubject
Network ManagementCited by
Year 2014 : 1 citations
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Year 2006 : 1 citations
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Year 2004 : 2 citations
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Year 2003 : 4 citations
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Year 2002 : 4 citations
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Year 2001 : 5 citations
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Year 2000 : 2 citations
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