EPILAB: A software package for studies on the prediction of epileptic seizures
César Teixeira
Bruno Miguel Direito Pereira Leitão
Rui Costa
Michel LeVanQuyen
Bjoern Schelter
António Dourado
Bruno Miguel Direito Pereira Leitão
Rui Costa
Michel LeVanQuyen
Bjoern Schelter
António Dourado
A Matlab®-based software package, EPILAB, was developed for supporting researchers in performingstudies on the prediction of epileptic seizures. It provides an intuitive and convenient graphical user interface.
Fundamental concepts that are crucial for epileptic seizure prediction studies were implemented.
This includes, for example, the development and statistical validation of prediction methodologies in
long-term continuous recordings.
Seizure prediction is usually based on electroencephalography (EEG) and electrocardiography (ECG)
signals. EPILAB is able to process both EEG and ECG data stored in different formats. More than 35 time
and frequency domain measures (features) can be extracted based on univariate and multivariate data
analysis. These features can be post-processed and used for prediction purposes. The predictions may be
conducted based on optimized thresholds or by applying classifications methods such as artificial neural
networks, cellular neuronal networks, and support vector machines.
EPILAB proved to be an efficient tool for seizure prediction, and aims to be a way to communicate,
evaluate, and compare results and data among the seizure prediction community.
Epilepsy; Seizure prediction; EEG/ECG processing; Artificial neural networks; Support vector machines; Seizure prediction characteristicRelated Project
EPILEPSIAE- Evolving Platform for Improving Living Expectation of PatientsJournal
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