The EPILEPSIAE database-An extensive electroencephalography database of epilepsy patients
Juliane Klatt
MAtthias Ihle
Vincent Navarro
M Neufang
César Teixeira
C Adam
Mário Valderrama
Catalina Alvarado-Rojas
Adrien Witon
Michel LeVanQuyen
Francisco Sales
António Dourado
Jens Timmer
Andreas Schulze Bonhage
Bjoern Schelter
MAtthias Ihle
Vincent Navarro
M Neufang
César Teixeira
C Adam
Mário Valderrama
Catalina Alvarado-Rojas
Adrien Witon
Michel LeVanQuyen
Francisco Sales
António Dourado
Jens Timmer
Andreas Schulze Bonhage
Bjoern Schelter
From the very beginning the seizure prediction community faced problems concerning evaluation, standardization, and reproducibility of its studies. One of the main reasons for these shortcomings was the lack of access to high-quality long-term electroencephalography (EEG) data. In this article we present the EPILEPSIAE database, which was made publicly available in 2012. We illustrate its content and scope. The EPILEPSIAE database provides long-term EEG recordings of 275 patients as well as extensive metadata and standardized annotation of the data sets. It will adhere to the current standards in the field of prediction and facilitate reproducibility and comparison of those studies. Beyond seizure prediction, it may also be of considerable benefit for studies focusing on seizure detection, basic neurophysiology, and other fields.Related Project
EPILEPSIAE- Evolving Platform for Improving Living Expectation of PatientsJournal
Epilepsia, June 2012Cited by
Year 2016 : 7 citations
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Year 2015 : 4 citations
Collaborating and sharing data in epilepsy research
JB Wagenaar, GA Worrell, Z Ives… - Journal of Clinical …, 2015 - journals.lww.com
Summary: Technological advances are dramatically advancing translational research in
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Seizure prediction for therapeutic devices: a review
K Gadhoumi, JM Lina, F Mormann, J Gotman - Journal of neuroscience …, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract Research in seizure prediction has come a long way since its debut almost 4
decades ago. Early studies suffered methodological caveats leading to overoptimistic results
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Early detection of epilepsy seizures based on a weightless neural network
K de Aguiar, FMG Franca, VC Barbosa… - … in Medicine and …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Abstract—This work introduces a new methodology for the early detection of epileptic
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van Mierlo, Pieter, et al. "Functional brain connectivity from EEG in epilepsy: Seizure prediction and epileptogenic focus localization." Progress in neurobiology 121 (2014): 19-35.
Year 2013 : 3 citations
Elger, Christian E., and Florian Mormann. "Seizure prediction and documentation—two important problems." The Lancet Neurology 12.6 (2013): 531-532.
Selvaraj, Thomas George, et al. "EEG Database of Seizure Disorders for Experts and Application Developers." Clinical EEG and Neuroscience (2013): 1550059413500960.
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