Music Emotion Classification: Analysis of a Classifier Ensemble Approach



We propose a five regression models’ system to classify music emotion. To this end, a dataset similar to MIREX contest dataset was used. Songs from each cluster are separated in five sets and labeled as 1. A similar number of songs from other clusters are then added to each set and labeled 0, training regression models to output a value representing how much a song is related to the specific cluster. The five outputs are combined and the highest score used as classification. An F-measure of 68.9% was obtained. Results were validated with 10-fold cross-validation and feature selection was tested.


music emotion recognition, music information retrieval

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Year 2013 : 1 citations

 1. Piva, R. (2013). Combining timbric and rhythmic features for semantic music tagging. MSc Thesis. University of Padova, Italy.