Ubiquity Evaluation Framework



Ubiquitous computing (UbiComp) systems rely on hetero- geneous technologies to enable the anytime-anywhere communication paradigm. Despite the momentum that UbiComp systems have, most new proposals are typically evaluated through varying sets of criteria, making direct comparisons that are far from straightforward. In this paper, we introduce the Ubiquity Evaluation Framework (UEF) aim- ing to overcome the limitations of hitherto evaluation mechanisms. UEF is unique, as particular protocols of a UbiComp system can be evalu- ated without requiring a functional system or involving questionnaries to a group of experts in the field. UEF enables the comparison of pro- tocols intended for the same task in the design phase, by employing objective metrics. The generic applicability of UEF is demonstrated in this paper through a case study comparing UbiComp support in two well-established mobility management protocols, namely Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) and Host Identity Protocol (HIP).


Ubiquitous computing, Multihoming, MIPv6, HIP, model- ing and performance evaluation.


Wired/Wireless Internet Communications 2011

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