A Multiple Care of Addresses Model
Resilience, load balancing and ubiquitous support can be improved by multihoming configurations that explore the plurality of wireless technologies available nowadays. Nev- ertheless, efficient multihoming configurations require support from all layers, as for instance in, network protocols which must incorporate mechanisms to support multiple addresses. Multiple Care of Addresses Registration (MCoA) is a protocol that extends Mobile IPv6 to enable the registration of multiple addresses.This paper presents mCoA++, our publicly available simulation model for OMNeT++ which implements the Multiple Care of Addresses Registration protocol recently standardized by IETF. Filling a gap in the MCoA specification, mCoA++ incorporates cross-layer mechanisms that tailor address selection according to application requirements. We evaluate our mCoA++ implementation and compare simulation code performance with xMIPv6. We find that mCoA++ adds multiple care of address support in OMNeT++ without introducing any significant overhead.
MIPv6, Multiple CoA, Multihoming, OMNeT++, mCoA++, mobility modelling, and performanceConference
Computers and Communications (ISCC), 2011 IEEE Symposium on 2011PDF File
Cited by
Year 2012 : 6 citations
P Lin, J Bi, H Hu, "Asic: an architecture for scalable intra-domain control in openflow"
A Gladisch, R Daher, D Tavangarian, "Survey on Mobility and Multihoming in Future Internet"
J Rajahalme, "Inter-domain incentives and Internet architecture"
J Wang, J Liao, T Li, P Zhang, " Correlation?aware multipath selection to enhance path diversity in ubiquitous computing environment"
K Pentikousis, R Agüero, S Sargento et al. "Mobility and Network Management in Virtualized Networks"
A Gladisch, R Daher et al. "Node-oriented Internet Protocol: A novel concept for enhancement of mobility and multi-homing in Future Internet"