A Survey on Secure Software Development Lifecycles



This chapter presents a survey on the most relevant software development practices that are used nowadays to build software products for the web, with security built in. It starts by presenting three of the most relevant Secure Software Development Lifecycles, which are complete solutions that can be adopted by development companies: the CLASP, the Microsoft Secure Development Lifecycle, and the Software Security Touchpoints. However it is not always feasible to change ongoing projects or replace the methodology in place. So, this chapter also discusses other relevant initiatives that can be integrated into existing development practices, which can be used to build and maintain safer software products: the OpenSAMM, the BSIMM, the SAFECode, and the Securosis. The main features of these security development proposals are also compared according to their highlights and the goals of the target software product.

Book Chapter

Software Development Techniques for Constructive Information Systems Design, 3, pp. 57-73, IGI Global 2013

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