Special Section on “Human-centric Multimedia Networking”



The emphasis of this special section is put on discussion about state-of-the-art research and developing activities contributing to all aspects of human-centric multimedia networking, which include, but are not limited to social multimedia networking, future Internet architectures for human-centric multimedia networking, emerging human-centric multimedia services and applications (gaming, 3D video, surveillance, sensing), context awareness and human-computer confluence, novel human-centric network management and provisioning, human-centric multimedia search and retrieval, Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics and optimization, ethical issues in multimedia surveillance and Internet monitoring, systems and algorithms for safeguarding of information, and human-centric models and systems. The inclusion of human aspects, which often have been neglected, also poses ethical and social issues. While these cannot be solved solely through technical means, they have to be considered in the further development and provisioning of future human-centric networking services.


multimedia, networking, human-centric computing


Human-centric Multimedia Networking


Computer Communications, Vol. 36, #15, pp. 1606-1664, Elsevier, September 2013

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