Collaborative Aspects of the WGL Project
The Web Geometry Laboratory (WGL) project's goal is, to build an adaptive and collaborative blended-learning Web-environment, integrating dynamic geometry systems (DGS) and geometry automated theorem provers (GATP). The Web-based \WGL\ environment aims to become a learning environment for geometry to be used during classes and also outside the classroom.A learning environment should be collaborative, i.e., it should allow the knowledge to emerge and appear through interaction between its users. An e-learning environment should add to that the adaptive features, allowing the system to adapt itself, giving an individualised support to each one of its users. A blended-learning environment for geometry should include intelligent geometric tools such as the DGS and the GATP.
Being a Web-environment WGL can be used in a classroom and also outside of a classroom. The individualised access to the platform, the creation of groups and a system of permissions, will allow to implement the adaptive and collaborative modules. Finally the inclusion of a DGS and the connection with a GATP will allow to fulfil the above stated goals.
This contribution will focus on the collaborative aspects of WGL. The collaborative work among students and teachers will be possible by the open channels of communication between teachers and students and between students. The exchange of information will be in text form (chats), oral (classroom interaction), but the main issue is given by the exchange of geometric information. Each student will have access to his/her DGS instance but also to the group DGS instance where the group construction is being constructed collaboratively.
The collaborative module of the WGL environment, allowing the exchange of geometric contents, will open new possibilities to teachers and students, creating a more dynamic learning environment and contributing in this way to the students success.