Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment Innovative approaches developed in HeartCycle project
Two innovative CVD event risk assessment strategies were developed in the scope of HeartCycle project: i) combination of individual risk assessment tools; ii) personalization of risk assessment based on grouping of patients.These approaches aimed to defeat some of the major limitations of the tools currently applied in the daily clinical practice, namely to: i) improve the risk prediction performance when comparing it to the one achieved by the individual current risk assessment tools; ii) consider the available knowledge provided by other risk assessment tools; iii) cope with missing risk factors; iv) incorporate additional clinical knowledge.
Two different real patients’ datasets were applied to validate the developed strategies: i) Santa Cruz Hospital, Portugal, N=460 ACS-NSTEMI1 patients; ii) Leiria Pombal Hospital Centre, Portugal, N=99 ACS-NSTEMI.
Based on the gathered results, we propose a new strategy in order to improve patients’ stratification.