Proceedings of the Workshops and Work in Progress at CICM 2014
Matthew England
James Davenport
Andrea Kohlhase
Michael Kohlhase
Paul Libbrecht
Walther Neuper
Pedro Quaresma
Alan P. Sexton
Petr Sojka
Josef Urban
Stephen M. Watt
James Davenport
Andrea Kohlhase
Michael Kohlhase
Paul Libbrecht
Walther Neuper
Pedro Quaresma
Alan P. Sexton
Petr Sojka
Josef Urban
Stephen M. Watt
CICM-WS-WiP 2014 PrefaceThis joint volume of proceedings gathers together papers from the workshops and Work in Progress section of CICM 2014, held July 7-11 in Coimbra, Portugal. CICM (Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics) has been held annually since 2008. Papers from the four main tracks at CICM 2014 (Calculemus, Digital Mathematical Libraries, Mathematical Knowledge Management, and Systems & Projects) will be published in volume 8543 of Springer LNAI. CICM also gives the opportunity for researchers to present Work in Progress
papers, of interest to the community but not yet ready for formal presentation.
This joint volume gathers together these papers with those contributed to three of the workshops held at CICM 2014:
The 9th Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces (MathUI);
The 26th OpenMath Workshop (OpenMath);
The 2014 Workshop on Theorem Provers Components for Educational Software (ThEdu).
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (http://ceur-ws.org/) is a free open-access publication service and these joint proceedings form CEUR vol. 1186. This is the third collection of CICM workshop and Work in Progress papers published with CEUR-WS, following vol. 1010 (CICM 2013) and vol. 921 (CICM 2012).
The workshop papers were edited by their respective organisers and the Work In Progress papers by the General CICM PC Chair and the four CICM track PC Chairs. Please see the individual prefaces for more details.
Matthew England: Joint volume editor
James H. Davenport: Calculemus Track Chair and OpenMath editor
Andrea Kohlhase: MathUI editor
Michael Kohlhase: OpenMath editor
Paul Libbrecht: MathUI editor
Walther Neuper: ThEdu editor
Pedro Quaresma: ThEdu editor
Alan P. Sexton: Systems & Projects CICM Track Chair
Petr Sojka: Digital Mathematical Libraries CICM Track Chair
Josef Urban: Mathematical Knowledge Management CICM Track Chair
Stephen M. Watt: General CICM PC Chair
Thanks to all those who served on the program committee or reviewed the work in this volume, and to the organisers of CICM 2014. We acknowledge the publisher CEUR-WS, and the authors of the EasyChair software and ceur-make scripts which greatly aided the publication of these proceedings.
3rd July 2014 Bath, UK.