Monitoring as a service for cloud environments
J. Mueller
David Palma
Giada Landi
J. M. Soares
B. Parreira
Thijs Metsch
P. Gray
A. Georgiev
Y. Hl-hazmi
T. Magedanz
Paulo Simões
David Palma
Giada Landi
J. M. Soares
B. Parreira
Thijs Metsch
P. Gray
A. Georgiev
Y. Hl-hazmi
T. Magedanz
Paulo Simões
Monitoring, Cloud ComputingSubject
Monitoring, Cloud ComputingConference
2014 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE), July 2014DOI
Cited by
Year 2016 : 1 citations
M. Calzarossa, M.L. Della Vedova, L. Massari, D. Petcu, M.I.M. Tabash and D. Tessera. Workloads in the Clouds. In L. Fiondella and A. Puliafito, editors, Principles of Performance and Reliability Modeling and Evaluation, Springer Series in Reliability Engineering, Springer, 2016