Case-Based Reasoning, Software Design, Software Reuse, Knowledge Management, Creative Design, Analogy, Word Sense Disambiguation
CBR and Software Design
Related Project
ReBuilder - Intelligent Reuse of Software Objects
PhD Thesis
A Case-Based Approach to Software Design, April 2004
PDF File
Cited by
Year 2008 : 1 citations
Juan A. Recio-Garcia, Derek Bridge,Belen Diaz-Agudo and Pedro Gonzalez-Calero. "CBR for CBR: A Case-Based Template Recommender System for Building Case-Based Systems". Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence; Vol. 5239 archive. Proceedings of the 9th European conference on Advances in Case-Based Reasoning. Trier, Germany. pp 459-473. 2008
Year 2006 : 1 citations
- "Wiederverwendung von Prozessmodellen", Andreas Bogl, Maximilian Kobler, Michael Schrefl, in Wirtschaftsinformatik als Schlussel zum Unternehmenserfolg. Kerstin Fink and Christian Ploder (eds). Deutscher Universitats-Verlag, 2006.
Year 2005 : 3 citations
"Using CBR to Select Solution Strategies in Constraint Programming", Cormac Gebruers, Brahim Hnich, Derek Bridge and Eugene Freuder. ICCBR 2005, LNAI 3620, pp. 222-236, 2005. Springer-Verlag Berlin.
"Maintaining Experience to Learn: Case Studies on Case-Based Reasoning and Experience Factory", Klaus-Dieter Althoff*, Jens Mänz* & Markus Nick, Proc. 6th Workshop Days of the German Computer Science, 2005
Integrating Case-Based Reasoning and Experience
Factory: Case Studies and Implications
Klaus-Dieter Althoff & Jens Mänz, 2005, Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering.