Using Context for Search, Browse and Recommendation in Software Development



Finding information is a critical task in software development, especially when is hard to remember every piece of information that developers need to do their job. The increase in the average size of projects and in the number of technologies used makes the task of finding the right information or the right piece of code a nightmare for most developers. Tools that help developers be more efficient in finding this information need to be developed. Not only they need to be more efficient, but they also need to be more powerful, making the job of the developer easier. In this paper, we describe the SDiC (Software Development in Context) system, which implements three types of information finding: search, recommendation and browsing. The main innovation in SDiC is using the developer’s context to make more efficient these mechanisms, enabling not only a more accurate answer, but also a more efficient way in leading with the information overload. abstract environment.


User context, Search, Recommendation, Browsing, Software Development

Related Project

SDiC: Software Development in Context


Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, January 2015


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