Detection of wheezes using their signature in the spectrogram space and musical features



In this work thirty features were tested in order to identify the best feature set for the robust detection of wheezes. The features include the detection of the wheezes signature in the spectrogram space (WS-SS) and twenty-nine musical features usually used in the context of Music Information Retrieval. The method proposed to detect the signature of wheezes imposes a temporal Gaussian regularization and a reduction of the false positives based on the (geodesic) morphological opening by reconstruction operator. Our dataset contains wheezes, crackles and normal breath sounds.
Four selection algorithms were used to rank the features. The performance of the features was asserted having into account the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC). All the selection algorithms ranked the WS-SS feature as the most important. A significant boost in performance was obtained by using around ten features. This improvement was independent of the selection algorithm. The use of more than ten features only allows for a small increase of the MCC value.


Clinical Informatics

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Cited by

Year 2016 : 1 citations

 Bokov, P., Mahut, B., Flaud, P. and Delclaux, C., 2016. Wheezing recognition algorithm using recordings of respiratory sounds at the mouth in a pediatric population. Computers in biology and medicine, 70, pp.40-50.