Evolution and Overview of Linked USDL



For more than 10 years, research on service descriptions has mainly studied software-based services and provided languages such as WSDL, OWL-S, WSMO for SOAP, and hREST for REST. Nonetheless, recent developments from service management (e.g., ITIL and COBIT) and cloud computing (e.g. Software-as-a-Service) have brought new re- quirements to service descriptions languages: the need to also model business services and account for the multi-faceted nature of services. Business-orientation, co-creation, pricing, legal aspects, and security is- sues are all elements which must also be part of service descriptions. While ontologies such as e3service and e3value provided a first modeling attempt to capture a business perspective, concerns on how to contract services and the agreements entailed by a contract also need to be taken into account. This has for the most part been disregarded by the e3 family of ontologies. In this paper, we review the evolution and provide an overview of Linked USDL, a comprehensive language which provides a (multi-faceted) description to enable the commercialization of (business and technical) services over the web.


service systems, service descriptions, service modelling, service programming


Service Systems


International Conference on Exploring Services Science (IESS), December 2015

Cited by

Year 2015 : 1 citations

 Self-organising socio-technical description in service systems for supporting smart user decisions in public transport, M Dr?goicea, JF e Cunha, M P?tra?cu - Expert Systems with Applications, 2015 - Elsevier