Security monitoring for mobile device assets: a survey



Organizations are often faced with the need to manage large numbers of mobile device assets, including tight control over aspects such as usage profiles, customization, applications and security. Moreover, the raise of the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) paradigm has further contributed to hamper these requirements, making it difficult to strike a balance between corporate regulations and freedom of usage.
In this scope, security is one of the main requirements both for individual and corporate usage. Device and information protection on mobile ecosystems is quite different from securing other assets such as laptops or desktops, due to specific characteristics and restrictions. For instance, the resource consumption overhead of security mechanisms, which is less relevant for desktop/laptop environments, is critical for mobile devices which frequently have less computing power and must keep power consumption as low as possible.
Security mechanisms for mobile devices combine preventive tools (e.g. Trusted Execution Environments and sandboxed applications), monitoring solutions and reactive and mitigation techniques. In this paper we discuss these security solutions, presenting a survey on the technologies, frameworks and use cases for mobile device security monitoring and management, with an emphasis on the associated open challenges and benefits, from both the end-user and the corporate points-of-view.


mobile device security monitoring and management, anomaly detection


In Proc. of 12th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security - ICCWS 2017. ISBN: 978-1-911218-26-5, March 2017

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