Experiments with Free Concept Generation in Divago
This paper presents a set of experiments we carriedout recently with Divago, a system we have
been developing and which has, as an underlying
motivation, the goal of being a computational
model of creativity. This model is expected to be
able to generate novel concepts out of previous
knowledge. Here we show its behaviour with a
large dataset constructed independently by other researchers
consisting of over 170 nouns. Each noun
is represented with a syntax that is equivalent to the
one adopted for Divago. We apply a two step experimentation
procedure, which starts by 'trainingâ?
the system with 'preferred outcomesâ? and then allowing
it to do free generation, constrained by the
pragmatic goal of a given query. We evaluate and
make a short discussion on the results under well
defined criteria of novelty and usefulness.
Creativity, Conceptual Blending, Noun-noun compoundsSubject
Creative SystemsCited by
Year 2005 : 3 citations
Andreas Faatz. Ein Verfahren zur Anreicherung fachgebietsspezifischer Ontologien durch Begriffsvorschläge. PhD Thesis. University of Darmstadt. 2005.
Computational Models of Similarity in Lexical Ontologies. Nuno Alexandre Lopes Seco. MSc thesis. Computer Science Department, Faculty of Science. University College Dublin. 2005
Prasad Pingali, Jagarlamudi Jagadeesh, Vasudeva Varma, Bipin Indurkhya. ``Exploring Creative Concepts in the Nearest Neighborhood using Lexical Ontologies''. Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005, December 2005.
Year 2004 : 2 citations
Stavros Papadakis. "Pun Generation via Conceptual Blending", MSc Dissertation. Imperial College London, 2004.
Nuno Seco, Tony Veale, Jer Hayes. Concept Creation in Lexical Ontologies. in Proc. of the Workshop on Language Resources for Linguistic Creativity, 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Lisbon, May 2004