Detection of Explosive Cough Events in Audio Recordings by Internal Sound Analysis
Bruno Miguel Machado Rocha
Luís Mendes
Ricardo Couceiro
Jorge Henriques
Paulo de Carvalho
Rui Pedro Paiva
Luís Mendes
Ricardo Couceiro
Jorge Henriques
Paulo de Carvalho
Rui Pedro Paiva
We present a new method for the discrimination of explosive cough events, which is based on a combination of spectral content descriptors and pitch-related features. After the removal of near-silent segments, a vector of event boundaries is obtained and a proposed set of 9 features is extracted for each event.Two data sets, recorded using electronic stethoscopes and comprising a total of 46 healthy subjects and 13 patients, were employed to evaluate the method. The proposed feature set is compared to three other sets of descriptors: a baseline, a combination of both sets, and an automatic selection of the best 10 features from both sets. The combined feature set yields good results on the cross-validated database, attaining a sensitivity of 92.3?2.3% and a specificity of 84.7?3.3%. Besides, this feature set seems to generalize well when it is trained on a small data set of patients, with a variety of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, and tested on a bigger data set of mostly healthy subjects: a sensitivity of 93.4% and a specificity of 83.4% are achieved in those conditions. These results demonstrate that complementing the proposed feature set with a baseline set is a promising approach.