Integrated Protection of Industrial Control Systems from Cyber-attacks: the ATENA Approach



Industrial and Automation Control systems traditionally achieved security thanks to the use of proprietary protocols and isolation from the telecommunication networks. Nowadays, the advent of the Industrial Internet of Things poses new security challenges. In this paper, we rst highlight the main security challenges that advocate for new risk assessment and security strategies. To this end, we propose a security framework and advanced tools to properly manage vulnerabilities, and to timely react to the threats. The proposed architecture fills the gap between computer science and control theoretic approaches. The physical layers connected to Industrial Control Systems are prone to disrupt when facing cyber-attacks. Considering the modules of the proposed architecture, we focus on the development of a practical framework to compare information about physical faults and cyber-attacks. This strategy is implemented in the ATENA architecture that has been designed as an innovative solution for the protection of critical assets.


Critical Infrastructures, Cyber-Physical Attacks, IACS, Industrial IoT, SCADA Systems, Industrial and Automation Control Systems

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