The Horse-Bird Creature Generation Experiment
This paper presents the process and results of experiments regarding the generationof blends of a concept of ?horse? with a concept of ?bird?. The blending process
is based on the framework of Conceptual Blending (Fauconnier and Turner, 1998) and
its development is achieving some stability. We present an overview of our system,
Divago, namely of its newest developments around the optimality constraints.
The results demonstrate the behavior of the system with regard to each of the optimality
constraints and also give an insight on its ability for the generation of new
concepts from the combination of pre-existing ones, although highlighting problems
and further developments that must be taken.
Conceptual BlendingJournal
The Interdisciplinary Journal of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour(AISBJ ), Vol. 1, #3, pp. 257-280, Eduardo Alonso, July 2003PDF File
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Stavros Papadakis. "Pun Generation via Conceptual Blending", MSc Dissertation. Imperial College London, 2004.
Christof Teuscher. Chemical Blending with Particles, Cells, and
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