Contribution to Innovation in Chemical Engineering Education Using Online Resources



The improvement of the teaching and learning activities, namely in Engineering education, should be a permanent concern of all involved actors and the existence of multiple tools and platforms to develop and provide online resources should be considered as an additional motivation to develop and implement innovative processes and materials.
By providing materials and experiments online, students have the ability to use and access them without severe scheduling restrictions.
Using Jupyter Notebook, teachers have a programming environment to develop and share educational materials through the web, combining different types of resources, such as text, images and code, into a single document.
This article aims to contribute to innovation in Chemical Engineering education by presenting some examples of online resources supported by online experimentation and the Jupyter Notebook environment, which can be used to increase teacher productivity and enhance the students learning process.


engineering Education, online learning, online resources, chemical engineering


Online Learning

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CHEMPOR2018 - 13th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference, October 2018

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