Quality of Service Routing
Piet Van Mieghem
Fernando Kuipers
M. Krunz
T. Korkmaz
Marilia Curado
Edmundo Monteiro
X. Masip-Bruin
Josep Sole-Pareta
Fernando Kuipers
M. Krunz
T. Korkmaz
Marilia Curado
Edmundo Monteiro
X. Masip-Bruin
Josep Sole-Pareta
Frqvwudlqw0edvhg urxwlqj lv dq lqydoxdeoh sduw ri d ixoo0 hgjhgTxdolw| ri Vhuylfh dufklwhfwxuh1 Xqiruwxqdwho|/ TrV urxwlqj zlwk pxowl0
soh dgglwlyh frqvwudlqwv lv nqrzq wr eh d QS0frpsohwh sureohp1 Khqfh/
dffxudwh frqvwudlqw0edvhg urxwlqj dojrulwkpv zlwk d idvw uxqqlqj wlph
duh vfdufh/ shukdsv hyhq qrq0h{lvwhqw1 Wkh qhhg iru vxfk dojrulwkpv kdv
uhvxowhg lq wkh sursrvdo ri qxphurxv khxulvwlfv dqg d ihz h{dfw vroxwlrqv1
Wklv fkdswhu suhvhqwv d wkrurxjk/ frqflvh/ dqg idlu hydoxdwlrq ri wkh
prvw lpsruwdqw pxowl0frqvwudlqhg sdwk vhohfwlrq dojrulwkpv nqrzq wr0
gd|1 D shuirupdqfh hydoxdwlrq ri wkhvh dojrulwkpv lv suhvhqwhg edvhg rq
d frpsoh{lw| dqdo|vlv dqg vlpxodwlrq uhvxowv1 Ehvlghv wkh urxwlqj dojr0
ulwkp/ g|qdplf dvshfwv ri TrV urxwlqj duh glvfxvvhg= krz wr frsh zlwk
lqfrpsohwh ru lqdffxudwh wrsrorj| lqirupdwlrq dqg +lq,vwdelolw| lvvxhv1
QoS routingRelated Project
IPQoS - Study of QoS Mechanisms for IP RoutersBook Chapter
Quality of Future Internet Services, 3, Springer, July 2003Cited by
Year 2013 : 1 citations
E Girlich, MM Kovalev, NI Listopad, Optimal Choice of the Capacities of Telecommunication Networks to Provide QoS-Routing, Publication/NA, 2013
Year 2012 : 2 citations
OA Popescu, Cognitive Radio Networks: Elements and Architectures, Publication/NA, 2012
Î? Î?αλή, ΣÏ?οÏ?οκαÏ?εÏ?θÏ?νÏ?μενη δÏομολÏ?γηÏ?η Ï?ολλαÏ?λÏ?ν κÏιÏ?ηÏίÏ?ν Ï?ε δίκÏ?Ï?α εÏ?ÏείαÏ? κλίμακαÏ?, Publication/NA, 2012
Year 2011 : 1 citations
MY Saidi, G Texier, Hybrid scale-based approximation algorithm for QoS routing, … (ConTEL), Proceedings of the 2011 11th …, 2011
Year 2010 : 2 citations
A Popescu, D Erman, M Fiedlerâ?¦, A middleware framework for communication in cognitive radio networks, … and Control Systems …, 2010
Y Cui, YJ Zhao, T Korkmaz, TL Zhang, Supporting multiple metrics in QoS-aware BGP, Science China Information …, 2010
Year 2009 : 9 citations
George Tsaggouris, Christos Zaroliagis, "Multiobjective Optimization: Improved FPTAS for Shortest Paths and Non-Linear Objectives with Applications?, in Theory Computer Systems, Vol 45: Springer, pp. 162"186, 2009.
S Uludag, Z. Uludag, K Nahrstedt, KS Lui, F Baker, "A Laplace Transform-based Method to Stochastic Path Finding?, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2009), Dresden, Germany, June 14-18, 2009.
Y Wu, K Yang, HH Chen, "QoS Aware Routing in HeterogeneousWireless Access Networks?, Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks, Springer, 2009.
A. Ur Rehman, "Intra-Domain Statistical Quality Of Service Routing?, MsC Thesis, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, December 2009.
Gilles Bertrand, Mécanismes de routage inter-domaine multi-critère.
Vers des services inter-opérateurs à performances garanties, Thèse Présentée à l"ÿcole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Bretagne en habilitation conjointe avec l"Université de Rennes 1 pour obtenir le grade de Docteur de Télécom Bretagne, Décembre 2009.
D Barth, T Mautor, DV Monteiro, Impact of alliances on end-to-end QoS satisfaction in an interdomain network, Communications, 2009. ICC' …, 2009
æ¨ä¸¹ä¸¹ï¼? å¼ å²³ï¼? åº?é?·, å¤?ç?®æ ?è¿?å??é?ä¼ ç®?æ³?å?¨ QoS è·¯ç?±ä¸ç??ç ?究, ????????, 2009
窦æ?¬å¹´ï¼? å¼ å®ï¼? 许æ?¥æ ¹ï¼? ç??ç¿, è¯ä¹?å®?å?¨ç?? Niderreiter å?¬é?¥å? å¯?æ?¹æ¡?, ????????, 2009
Year 2008 : 11 citations
Naouel Ben Ali, Abdelfattah Belghith, Joanna Moulierac, Miklos Molnar, "QoS multicast aggregation under multiple additive constraints?, in Computer Communications, Elsevier, Vol 31, 2008.
Dominique Barth, Thierry Mautor, Daniel Villa Monteiro, Impact of alliances on end-to-end QoS satisfaction in an interdomain network, Internal Report UMR8144, University of Versailles, 2008.
Naouel Ben Ali, Miklos Molnar, Abdelfettah Belghith, "ICRA: Incremental Cycle Reduction Algorithm for optimizing multi-constrained multicast routing? in Proceedings of International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS 2008), Leeds, UK, July, 2-3, 2008.
Paolo Bellavista, Cesare Stefanelli, Mauro Tortonesi, "QoS management middleware solutions for Bluetooth audio distribution?, in Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vol 4, pp. 117"138, 2008.
Naouel Ben Ali, Joanna Moulierac, Abdelfattah Belghith, Miklós Molnár, Mqma: Multi-Constrained QoS Multicast Aggregation, Internal Report No 1881, IRISA (Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires), Rennes, France, February 2008.
Naouel Ben Ali, Miklos Molnar, and Abdelfattah Belghith, Multi-constrained QoS Multicast Routing Optimization, Internal Report No 1882, IRISA (Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires), Rennes, France, February 2008.
Naouel Ben Ali, Miklós Molnár and Abdelfattah Belghith, Multi-constrained QoS Multicast Routing Optimization, Internal Report N°6500, INRIA (Institut National de Recherche En Informatique Et En Automatique), April 2008.
Suleyman Uludag, Ziyneti E. Uludag, Anthony Howell, King-Shan Lui, "Stochastically Guaranteed Routing for Additive Link Metrics with Unknown Distributions?, in Proceedings of 16th IEEE International Workshop Quality of Service (IWQoS 2008), IEEE, Enschede, The Netherlands, June 2-4, 2008.
P. S. Prakash and S. Selvan, "A Feasible Path Selection QoS Routing Algorithm with two Constraints in Packet Switched Networks?, in International Journal of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Vol 2;2, WASTE, Spring 2008.
Miklos Molnar, Hierarchies for Constrained Partial Spanning Problems in Graphs, Internal Report N° 1900, IRISA (Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires), Rennes, France, July 2008.
WM Carlyle, JO Royset, R Kevin Wood, Lagrangian relaxation and enumeration for solving constrained shortestâ?path problems, Networks, 2008
Year 2007 : 6 citations
The EuQoS System: A Solution for QoS Routing in Heterogeneous Networks
G Stea, E Mingozzi - IEEE Communications Magazine, 2007
S Uludag, KS Lui, K Nahrstedt, G Brewster, Analysis of Topology Aggregation techniques for QoS routing, ACM Computing Surveys ( …, 2007
WY Tam, KS Lui, S Uludag, K Nahrstedt, Quality-of-service routing with path information aggregation, Computer Networks, 2007
N Ben Ali, J Moulierac, A Belghithâ?¦, mQMA: Multi-constrained QoS multicast aggregation, … , 2007. GLOBECOM'07. …, 2007
S Uludag, L PerkoviÄ?, A Kashkanovaâ?¦, Quality-of-service provisioning via stochastic path selection under Weibullian link delays, The Fourth International …, 2007
E Marín Tordera, A prediction-based routing mechanism for optical and IP/MPLS networks, Publication/NA, 2007
Year 2006 : 6 citations
Robert Elsasser et al, "Initial Modeling of Selected Problems for Communication/Transportation Networks?, Deliverable D3.2.2, DELIS (Dynamically Evolving, Large-scale Information Systems) Integrated Project, January, 2006.
Multiobjective Optimization: Improved FPTAS for Shortest Paths and Non-linear Objectives with ?
G Tsaggouris, C Zaroliagis - Computer Technology Institute, University of Patras, Greece, 2006 - Springer LNCS
QoS-aware Multicommodity Flows and
Transportation Planning
George Tsaggouris and Christos Zaroliagisin Proc. 6th Workshop on Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways -- ATMOS 2006
R Van Der Hofstad, G Hooghiemstraâ?¦, Size and weight of shortest path trees with exponential link weights, Combinatorics …, 2006
S Uludag, KS Lui, ZE Uludag, QRP02-4: Probabilistic Path Selection under Inaccuracy via Augmented Shortest Path Algorithms, … Conference, 2006. GLOBECOM' …, 2006
Î? ΤÏ?αγγοÏÏηÏ?, ΣÏ?νÏ?ομÏ?Ï?εÏεÏ? Î?ιαδÏομÎÏ? Î?Ïο Î?ÏιÏ?ηÏίÏ?ν: Î?λγÏ?Ïιθμοι και ΠειÏαμαÏ?ική Î?ξιολÏ?γιÏ?η, Publication/NA, 2006
Year 2005 : 3 citations
Remco van der Hofstad et al., "Size and weight of shortest path trees with exponential link weights? in Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, March 22, 2005.
Improved FPTAS for multiobjective shortest paths with applications
G Tsaggouris, C Zaroliagis - CTI Techn. Report TR-2005/07/03, July, 2005
S TADRUS, LI BAI - International Journal of Computational Intelligence, 2005
Year 2004 : 3 citations
Supreeth Koushik Sheshadri, "Multi-constrained Node Disjoint Multipath QoS Routing Algorithms for Status Disseminations Networks?, Master Thesis, Washington State University, May 2004.
Performance evaluation of constraint-based path selection algorithms
Kuipers, F. Korkmaz, T. Krunz, M. Van Mieghem, P.
Delft Univ. of Technol., Netherlands;
This paper appears in: Network, IEEE
Publication Date: Sept.-Oct. 2004
Lagrangian relaxation and enumeration for solving constrained shortest-path problems
WM Carlyle, RK Wood - Proceedings of the 38th Annual ORSNZ Conference, 2003
Volume: 18, Issue: 5
On page(s): 16- 23
Year 2003 : 3 citations
Lagrangian relaxation and enumeration for solving constrained shortest-path problems - grupo de 4 »
WM Carlyle, RK Wood - Proceedings of the 38th Annual ORSNZ Conference, 2003 .
O Bonaventure, P Trimintzios, G Pavlouâ?¦, Internet traffic engineering, Quality of Future Internet …, 2003
X Masip Bruin, Mechanisms to reduce routing information inaccuracy effects: Application to MPLS and WDM networks, Publication/NA, 2003