The Boat-House Visual Blending Experiment
The main subject of this paper is to describe anexperiment of blending two domains using our
previous work, Blender (Pereira and Cardoso,
2001), a computational attempt to model
Fauconnier and Turner?s (98) Conceptual
Blending. In this experiment, we visualize the
resulting instances using a logo-like language,
allowing us to produce visual blends. We
discuss the results and suggest further
Creative SystemsConference
ECAI 2002, August 2002PDF File
Cited by
Year 2013 : 1 citations
Steinbrück, Alexa. Conceptual blending for the visual domain. Diss. Master’s thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2013.
Year 2004 : 2 citations
Badie, K. and Tayefeh, M. An Approach to Generating New Ideas Based on Linking the Frames of Concepts. In Proceedings of the "Computational Creativity Workshop? at ICCBR-04. Madrid, 2004.
Stavros Papadakis. "Pun Generation via Conceptual Blending", MSc Dissertation. Imperial College London, 2004.