A Methodology for Detection of Melody in Polyphonic Musical Signals



QBH in polyphonic music signals requires a melody representation of the songs in the database. This is a complex problem for which there is no general and accurate solution yet.
In this paper, we present a bottom-up method for melody detection in polyphonic musical signals. Our approach is based on the assumption that the melodic line is often salient in terms of note intensity (energy). First, trajectories of the most intense harmonic groups are constructed. Then, note candidates are obtained by trajectory segmentation (in terms of frequency and energy variations). Too short, low-energy and octave-related notes are then eliminated. Finally, the melody is extracted by selecting the most important notes at each time, based on energy criteria.
We tested our method with excerpts from 12 songs encompassing several genres. In the songs where the sole stands out clearly, most of melody notes were successfully extracted. However, for songs where the melody is not that salient, the results are poor. Nevertheless, we could say that the results are encouraging.


melody extraction, query-by-humming, music information retrieval


Music Information Retrieval


AES116, May 2004

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Cited by

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Year 2005 : 3 citations

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