On the Influence of GVR in Vehicle Routing
A comparative study is made between a new evolutionaryapproach for the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) and a
standard evolutionary model, based on Path Representation.
Genetic Vehicle Representation (GVR) is the new twolevel
representational scheme designed to deal in an effective
way with all the information needed by candidate solutions.
Experimental results, obtained from a set of VRP instances,
show performance improvements when GVR is used.
Genetic algorithms, representation, vehicle routing problemSubject
Evolutionary OptimizationCited by
Year 2015 : 3 citations
Redesign of the supply of mobile mechanics based on a novel genetic optimization algorithm using Google Maps API
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New Notation and Classification Scheme for Vehicle Routing Problems
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Sequential insertion heuristic with adaptive bee colony optimisation algorithm for vehicle routing problem with time windows
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Year 2011 : 1 citations
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Year 2010 : 2 citations
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Year 2004 : 3 citations
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Year 2003 : 1 citations
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