Using WordNet for case-based retrieval of UML models



Software complexity has increased substantially in the last
decade. This has made software development teams work faster and
under tight budgets. Reusing software can be a way of solving this
problem. Companies should reuse previous working solutions in new
projects, decreasing the development time and increasing software
quality. But there are at least two requirements to implement this
solution. One is that the company must have a central knowledge
repository with software specifications, designs and code from
previous system developments. The second one is to have at the
disposal tools capable of using this repository in an intelligent
way. We have developed a system capable of providing these
requirements. It has a central knowledge base that can be used
through Case-Based Reasoning. The knowledge base integrates a
common ontology called WordNet, providing classification for
software objects. This paper focuses on the retrieval of design
models using the combination of WordNet and Case-Based Reasoning.
We also present a retrieval example, and experimental work showing
the performance of the retrieval and ranking mechanisms.


CBR, WordNet, Software Reuse, UML


CBR for Software Reuse

Related Project

ReBuilder - Intelligent Reuse of Software Objects


AI Communications, Vol. 1, #17, January 2004

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 Cooper K, Chung L, Ma WM. "Evaluating off-the-shelf architectural components". International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP 05), JUN 27-29, 2005.

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Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6189/2010, 1-15, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-13911-6_1

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 Chung, L., Ma, W., Cooper, K. "Requirements elicitation through model-driven evaluation of software components". Proceedings - Fifth International Conference on Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS)-Based Software Systems 2006, art. no. 1595762, pp. 187-196

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 ZHANG Chenghong, CHEN Langtao, ZHANG Cheng, HUANG Lihua, "Capability Model for Case-Based Reasoning in Collaborative Commerce Environment", TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2005 Vol.10 No.z1 P.790-796.

 Ma, W., Cooper, K., Chung, L. "Matching effectiveness and OTS model richness". Proceedings - Sixth Int. Conf. on Softw. Eng., Artificial Intelligence, Netw. and Parallel/Distributed Computing and First ACIS Int. Workshop on Self-Assembling Wireless Netw., SNPD/SAWN 2005 2005, art. no. 1434863, pp. 26-31

 Cooper K, Chung L, Ma WM. "Evaluating off-the-shelf architectural components". International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP 05), JUN 27-29, 2005.

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