Modelling Software Specifications with Case Based Reasoning



Helping software designers in their task implies the development of
tools with intelligent reasoning capabilities. One such capability is the integration
of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Computer Aided Software Engineer-ing
(CASE) tools, thus improving the designer/tool interface. In this paper, we
present a Case Based Reasoning (CBR) approach that enables the generation of
Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagrams from natural language text.
We describe the natural language translation module and provide an overview of
the tool in which it is integrated. Experimental results evaluating the retrieval and
adaptation mechanisms are also presented.


CBR, Natural Language Processing, Software Design, UML


Natural Language Processing

Related Project

ReBuilder - Intelligent Reuse of Software Objects


The First International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science (NLUCS\'04), April 2004

Cited by

Year 2005 : 1 citations

 Case-Based Reasoning for Software Design Reuse
S Channarukul, S Charoenvikrom, J Daengdej - Aerospace, 2005 IEEE Conference