How to Specify Dependability Benchmarks for OLTP Application Environments



Dependability benchmarking has been subject of intense research in recent years, having already led to the proposal of dependability benchmarks for database systems. However, the methodology to define dependability benchmarks is not clear yet. Furthermore, and more important, the validation of the proposed benchmarks has been disregarded so far. This question is par-ticularly acute, as the ultimate goal of a dependability benchmark is to allow the comparison of different systems/components, which means that without proper validation of the benchmark one may draw wrong conclusions. This pa-per proposes a set of general guidelines for the definition and validation of de-pendability benchmarks for database centric On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems. The close relationship between the definition of a depend-ability benchmark and the validation aspects is also addressed.


Dependability benchmarking

Related Project

DBench - Dependability Benchmarking


IX Conference on Software Engineering and Databases (JISBD 2004), November 2004

Cited by

Year 2007 : 1 citations

 1. Karsten Wolke, Higher Availability of Services in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems, PhD Thesis, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, October 2007.