House of Skeletons ' A Virtual Way
The archaeological site of Conimbriga, in Portugal, yields the ruins of an ancient city of the Roman Empire. This paper introduces a project made with the cooperation of the Monographic Museum of Conimbriga, witch aims the developing of a virtual reconstruction of a particular house (the House of the Skeletons), mainly because of its architecture and relevance to the city itself. The model intends to be as realistic as possible, up to scale and available to a wider audience over the Internet. That justifies the use of the Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) to develop the three-dimensional model.It is consensual that the apparent incompatibility of the three main factors -realism, file size and performance - is responsible for the inexistence of more examples of archaeological reconstructions in a virtual format, over the Internet. The work developed in this project, and now presented, tries to make a small contribution to this matter.