Margin-based Active Learning and Background Knowledge in Text Mining
Text mining, also known as intelligent text analysis, text data mining or knowledge-discovery in text, refers generally to the process of extracting interesting and non-trivial information and knowledge from text.One of the main problems with text mining and classification systems is the lack of labeled data, as well as the cost of labeling unlabeled data. Thus, there is a growing interest in exploring the use of unlabeled data as a way to improve classification performance in text classification. The ready availability of this kind of data in most applications makes it an appealing source of information.
In this work we evaluate the benefits of introducing unlabeled data in a support vector machine automatic text classifier. We further evaluate the possibility of learning actively and propose a method for choosing the samples to be learned.
Text Mining, Support Vector MachinesSubject
Text Mining, Support Vector MachinesRelated Project
CATCH - Inductive Inference for Large Scale Data Bases Text CATegorizationConference
HIS 2004, December 2004Cited by
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