Towards a security benchmark for Database Management Systems



Security Benchmarking


IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN2005, June 2005

Cited by

Year 2011 : 1 citations

 1. Rich Pietravalle and Dan Lanz, “Resiliency Research Snapshot”, Technical Report. 11-3023, MITRE Corporation, June 2011.

Year 2008 : 1 citations

 YE Xiao-jun, WANG Jian-min, "Design of Database System Dependability Benchmarking Tools", Computer Science Journal, 35(8), 2008.

Year 2007 : 1 citations

 1. Paolo Lollini et al., "D4.1.2. Evaluation methodologies, techniques and tools", deliverable of the project: Highly dependable ip-based networks and services Project (HIDENETS Project: IST-FP6-STREP- 26979), December de 2007.

Year 2006 : 3 citations

 Randy Robertson, "In Support of Security Standards for Organizations", Position Paper - ITK 478: Fall 2006, Illinois State University, 2006.

 1. J. Saul Gonzalez-Campos, “Secure Groups: Enhanced Management of Encrypted Data in Databases”, Seventh Mexican International Conference on Computer Science, ENC '06, September 2006.

 2. Paolo Lollini et al., "D4.1.1. Identification and development of evaluation methodologies, techniques and tools", deliverable of the project: Highly dependable ip-based networks and services Project (HIDENETS Project: IST-FP6-STREP- 26979), December 2006.