Mobile Agent Systems: From Technology to Applications



OOPSLA'2000 Workshop on Experiences with Autonomous Mobile Objects and Agent Based Systems, October 2000

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Year 2003 : 1 citations

 1. M. Bisignano, G. Di Modica, and O. Tomarchio, "Mobile Agent Location Management: a Comparison Between CORBA and P2P Based Systems?, in Proc. 8th IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC"2003), KEMER, TURKEY, June 2003.

Year 2001 : 1 citations

 1. O. Tomarchio, L. Vita, A. Puliafito, "Mobile Agents and Legacy Systems: How to Integrate Alternative Communication Paradigms?. in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications (MATA2001), Montreal (Canada), August 2001.