Heterogeneous Parallel Computing using Java and WMPI



In this paper, we present briefly the implementation of a Java interface for WMPI, a
Windows-based implementation of MPI. Then, we describe a system that is oriented for
Web-based computing and we present a solution to integrate WMPI with this tool by
making use of a Java bridge component and the Java bindings for WMPI. This solution
allows the execution of meta-applications over a mixed configuration of platforms,
execution models and programming languages. The resulting system provides a way to
solve the problem of heterogeneity and to unleash the potential of diverse computational
resources and programming tools.


special issue of Concurrency Practice and Experience, Vol. 12, pp. 1077-1091, Mark Baker, December 2000

Cited by

Year 2002 : 1 citations

 1. Butrylo, B. Musy, F. Nicolas, L. Scorretti, R. Vollaire, C. , "New trends in parallel electromagnetic fields computation", International Conference on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering (PARELEC'02), September 2002, Warsaw, Poland